Proof that the things written in the Bible have happened to Lisbet, the True Christ, Part 3 (November 8, 2024)
If we look at Mark chapter 5, we can see what Miracles Jesus Performed with the Wisdom from Heaven, which men had never heard of before, and which they wondered in admiration where She Had Gotten such Wisdom and Power to Perform those Miracles (Ref. Mark 6:2). Let’s first read verses 39 through 43 of this chapter that speaks about a Girl who died and who Came Back to Life (Ref. Mark 5:39-43), so that we can continue to Show the Evidence of the things written in the Bible that Have Happened to Lisbet, the True Christ. This way, all of you will be able to see with your own eyes that the things written in the Bible are not simply stories, or as if they were referring to other people, because that little girl is a representation of Christ. That is why, Fortunately, for those of us who are Interested in Knowing the Truth, Christ Is Here Deciphering all these things that could not be understood with the human lens, but that are important because they are the key to understanding the Times…
Proof that the things written in the Bible have happened to Lisbet, the True Christ, Part 2 (November 7, 2024)
Continuing in Mark, chapter 6, where it says, “And when the Day of the Repose had Come, She Began to Teach in the synagogue; which in a figurative sense are the Spiritual Jews; and after Hearing Her, many were astonished, and said, ‘where did She get all this Wisdom and Power to perform such Miracles!’”; in order to understand what this verse refers to, we have to go to the previous chapter and see what Christ Had Done, what miracles She Performed with this Wisdom which they had never heard of before. Chapter 5 talks about the daughter of Jairus, whose name means “God Illuminates” and it also talks about the woman who, for years, had been suffering from heavy bleeding and when she touched the Garment of Jesus, she was Cured (Ref. Mark 5:21-43). But before going into detail about these verses, which we will do so in the upcoming Daily Quotes, Christ Lisbet wants you to recognize that the things written in the Bible are not mere tales to be shared as the so-called churches…
Proof that the things written in the Bible have happened to Lisbet, the True Christ (November 6, 2024)
The following verses broaden the perspective on all of the Figures that have Fulfillment in the Manifestation of Christ Lisbet. We can show you supporting evidence of how the things written in the Bible have happened to Her and to those around Her; here are some examples. Let us read Mark 6:1-2, “And Jesus Came Out from there and Went to Her Own Land, and Her Disciples Followed Her. And when the Day of the Repose had Come, She Began to Teach in the synagogue; which in a figurative sense are the Spiritual Jews; and after hearing Her, many were astonished, and said, ‘where did She get all this Wisdom and Power to perform such Miracles!’.” There are very important details here that can only be explained by Lisbet, the Lord Herself, because this cannot be understood with human wisdom. The phrase “Jesus Came Out from there and Went to Her Land, and Her Disciples Followed Her” refers to the fact that when Lisbet Was Resurrected or Awakened by God the Father with His Wisdom from…
The Only Safe Place against the enemy (November 5, 2024)
As the years go by, Thanks to Christ Lisbet, the True Christ, Being Present Today, we can Clearly See How God the Father Melquisedec Is Fulfilling Everything That Pertains to His Christ. That is why Christ Lisbet Has Always Said that it is So Important that we do not detach ourselves from Her, but rather, that we Continue Together with Her Growing in the Knowledge of Her Holy Spirit, because Her Kingdom is Indestructible, and is the Only Safe Place against the enemy, which is destruction and death. Gods’ Kingdom will never be destroyed because it is God the Father’s Purity and Holiness that Sustains It, and it is Indivisible because It Remains Firm in His Hand, unlike the kingdom of satan that is divided against itself and is crumbling before our eyes. Every Day, the Powerful Kingdom of Christ Lisbet is Gaining More Strength in the Minds of all those who Faithfully Follow Her. That is why She Speaks with the Authority that God the Father Has Given Her, because Her Wisdom Comes from…
The Good Example to Follow (November 4, 2024)
By Listening to The Word, Christ Lisbet, Speaking the Wisdom of Gods’ Heaven, you Learn to Conquer death, in the Same Way that God the Father Melquisedec Has Taught Her to Conquer death in Herself, since Christ Is the First in all the Spiritual Creation. Christ Lisbet Is our Guide in Gods’ Holy Path, She Is our Good Example to Follow because without Her Knowledge of Heaven, we could never Fulfill Gods’ Commandments that Promise us the Eternal Life. If we do not have Christ Lisbet’s Example, we cannot Please God the Father, since every human being weakens due to the many deceitful desires of their carnal mind, and without Christ Lisbet, they cannot be conquered permanently. But if we have the Guidance from the Ideal Helper of man, the Christ of God the Father, Lisbet, then we have Her Same Certainty and Conviction that we will be More than Conquerors because Her Faith is the Firm Assurance that we will not commit the unforgivable sin of denying Her. If you want to Live…
Rejoice with JeruSalem (November 3, 2024)
We, the Holy angels of Christ Lisbet, speak to you about That Which Has Always Existed, the True Word of God. We have Heard Her, we have Seen Her with our own Eyes, we have Observed Her, and we have Touched Her with our own Hands. That is, we have Put Her to the Test and She Has Proven to Be Truthful in Saying to us that God the Father Is With and In Her, and that He Has Given Her the Name that is Above all names, because we have Experienced the Power of Her Name. We speak of She Who Is the Word that Gives Life. She Who Is the Life Appeared and Is Here among us. We See Her and therefore we Give Testimony about Her. To you we Announce that She Is the Eternal Life Who Is With the Father, She and the Father Are One. What we have Seen and Heard from Her, we Announce to you who do not know Her. The things which we have Seen and Heard we also Announce to you so that you may have Fellowship with us, just as we have Fellowship with God the Father and with His Wife, Jesus Christ. We Announce…
The Patience of Christ (November 2, 2024)
It is Truly Very Beautiful to Live as we, the Holy angels of Christ Lisbet, Live, because we have Her Faith, the Faith of the One and Only True Christ, Who Receives Everything She Believes In, and It Is All Fulfilled because God the Father Is the One Who Is With Her, Always Fulfilling the Lovely Desires of Her Heart. This Requires Much Patience, the Patience of Christ Herself, Who Patiently and without questioning Has Waited for God the Father to Give Her the Eternal Life that He Promised Her. Having the Patience of Christ Lisbet to Wait for the Perfect Time for the Manifestation of All the Things that God the Father and Mother Have Prepared for Their Faithful and True People, and to Believe like She Believes, With and In the Faith of Christ, is the Most Gratifying Gift for God the Father from His Spiritual Children. We are so Privileged to be Called the Righteous ones of the Earth, who are being Made Perfect as God the Father and Mother, MelquisedecLisbet, Are Perfect. We were Invited…
Ecclesiasticus, Chapter 3, Part 2 (November 1, 2024)
The book of Ecclesiasticus is not part of the biblical canon because it is considered an apocryphal book by the protestant communities since they think that it is not inspired in the “Scriptures.” Because of this, evangelicals and catholics consider only the 66 books of the “Old” and “New” Testaments as the Scriptures, which they recognize as a “divinely inspired” authority. However, they are nobody to decide what the Old and New Testament are, since they have no idea what they truly mean for God; and by not including these other writings in the most well-known versions, it shows that when it mentions Gods’ Commandment about Honoring the Spiritual Parents and that this would contradict what Moses wrote, they tried to hide The Truth to not have to abandon their temporary delights. The Only True God Is and Has Always Been a Father and Mother, and even if men refute and argue against This Truth, they will never be able to change The Reality. So then, Christ Lisbet…
Ecclesiasticus, Chapter 3 (October 31, 2024)
In the Book of Ecclesiasticus, also known as “The Wisdom of Jesus,” there is Evidence that Proves what Christ Lisbet Has Been Announcing From the Beginning of Gods’ Spiritual Creation, which is that Gods’ First and Most Important Commandment to Honor your Father and Mother, does not refer to physical or biological parents. In chapter 3, it says that their sins will be Forgiven if they Honor their Father, and that if they despise their Mother they would be committing sin, as it says in John 16:8-10, that whoever does not believe in the Manifested Christ commits sin. We all know that God the Father Has Given the Authority for the Forgiveness of sin Only to Christ and not to a biological parent. Men sin against Christ, the Wife of God the Father, the Spiritual Mother of all, the JeruSalem from Above, The Celestial One, despising Her Manifestation in their midst. That is why it Says that when the Holy Spirit Comes, She Would Convince the people of the world that not Believing in…
The free will to choose (October 30, 2024)
The Words of Christ Lisbet are the Sufficient and Compelling Evidence that lead you to reflect on a subject that never throughout history had been discussed; but the Time has Come for the Light to be Revealed and for all deception and lies regarding this matter to come to an end. After Listening to Her you will be taken to a Dimension in which you will be able to Understand with Much Clarity the biblical statements. Likewise, you will also Identify why during so many centuries of religious fervor, the world has not been able to see God’s Project for humanity accomplished. This is due to the fact that there has been a misrepresentation of what God the Father and Christ Truly Are. Undoubtedly God the Father Has a Wife and that Ideal Helper Is Christ. From now on, after having Known This Tremendous Revelation, it is up to your free will to decide whether to remain deceived or to Embrace This Truth of God the Father and Christ and therefore Lead your life on the Right Path that will…
What is happening right now with politics in this country, Part 2 (October 29, 2024)
When we see everything that is happening around the world and with the political parties in the United States, all the corruption and betrayal that dwells in the majority of these people and their followers is clearly visible. It has reached a point where no one is safe in the street; it is becoming like in dictatorship countries where opposing the president or his appointed leaders is a crime and where they give the people who follow them, the right to take justice into their own hands or to take revenge against anyone that opposes them; and these evil leaders falsely promise their minions that no civil action will be taken against them and that they will be acquitted or pardoned. Not only that, they also establish agreements and alliances with the false pastors of the so-called churches in order to obtain votes and also to cover up all the filth and the crimes they have committed. They are scammers because they cover up their evil deeds to keep people blinded from seeing the truth of…
What is happening right now with politics in this country (October 28, 2024)
It is so obvious that what is happening Today is what we already went through because of the antichrist of the previous Dispensation, where we were in a situation of division and uncertainty because of his deceitful, scandalous, and hysterical rhetoric. That is why when seeing everything that is happening today in the world, and mainly in this country, where Christ Lisbet lives, one has to be very blind not to see that Her Manifestation, the Era of Christ Lisbet, The Light of the World, Has Brought to the surface all the evil that was hidden in men and which can no longer be hidden. Since 1971, when Christ Lisbet was physically born, there have been changes for the better in society in terms of women’s rights, and also with Her physical birth She Fulfills the Figure of the Conclusion of the seventy years of slavery for God’s people (Ref. Jeremiah 29:10-12). Her physical birth and Her Spiritual Enlightenment are Represented by the Figure of the Star that the kings Followed to Reach…
