The Benefits of Believing in God the Mother, the Long-Awaited True Christ, Part 2 (October 21, 2024)
In all the so-called churches, they preach about the past, because they believe that the Christ that came more than two thousand years ago saved man throughout history and until today. That is impossible and an erroneous presumption because to this day men continue dying and have not been saved from death, which is what Christ Has Come to Defeat (Hebrews 2:14). Therefore they are all false witnesses and false prophets because they do not Represent Christ nor the Truth; they do not have the Wisdom of Heaven to Fear God and Christ with Reverence, with the Utmost Respect, and what they do is mock the Power of Christ, Who Is Here Today Helping Her People Conquer death so that they can be Witnesses of the Power that Exists in the True Name of Christ, Who is Present Today, and Who Is Lisbet, and She Is Helping others to Reach the Way, the Truth, and the Eternal Life, the Promised Land, God the Mother Christ Lisbet. Why would you keep going to a place where they are promoting things about God…
The Benefits of Believing in God the Mother, the Long-Awaited True Christ (October 20, 2024)
We must stop living a lie regarding the Manifestation of Christ, waiting for God’s supposed “son” to come in the clouds of heaven, because that is a terrible lie and it will never happen that way. Christ Had to Manifest to be Able to Reveal the Wisdom of Heaven to men and thus Bring the Immortality that God Had Promised to Give to all who Believe in Her (Ref. John 3:16, 6:47-59). But that Magnificent Event would not be in any way something theatrical, as if we were to see a man with long hair, dressed in a white cloak, and golden accessories descending from the clouds with loud trumpets. That sounds so ridiculous and so undignifiedly Hollywood-like. Christ Has to be among us right now, because we are in the Latter Days, when all the Fulfillment of the Promises would be Carried Out and it has already Begun in Christ Lisbet and Her Holy angels. So you cannot continue waiting thousands of years more, because Christ Is Already Here as a person equal to us, but different from all of…
God the Mother Would Give God the Father the Children that will Conform Gods’ Great Spiritual Family (October 19, 2024)
(Isaiah 66:8) “Who has heard of something similar to This? Who has seen such a thing? Will a Nation be Conceived in a Day? Will a People be Born instantly? For as soon as Zion, the Heavenly JeruSalem Was in Labor, She Gave Birth to Her Children.” The Heavenly JeruSalem Is a Spiritual Figure of God the Mother, for no city can give birth to children. That is why it says in Galatians 4:26, “But the JeruSalem from Above, Who Is Mother of us all, Is Free.” Christ was enslaved before, in the previous Dispensation, when She Was under the earthly law of the man of sin and became equal to us; but Now, in this New Dispensation of God’s Holy Spirit, She Is Free by Virtue of God’s Law. It also says in Hebrews 2:13, “And Again, I Will Trust in Him, in God the Father. And Once Again: Behold, I (God the Mother) Along with the Spiritual Children that God the Father Has Given Me.” Because as it says in 1 Timothy 2:15, “the Woman, Zion, the Heavenly JeruSalem, Will Be Saved Engendering…
By Knowing that God Is Father and Mother, we can Honor Them in Truth, Part 2 (October 18, 2024)
All who preach about God and say that it is a calling from Heaven, are lying. They cannot appropriate God the Father’s Name for themselves nor can they Become Him, being One with Him, nor speak about Him, as His Wife Christ Lisbet Does, and it is because Only Christ Is The One Who Would Speak on Behalf of God the Father because She Is One with Him. Now, if no man has been able to Pronounce God’s Name and Experience His Power, it is because God Himself Has not Revealed It to them, and since the lying pen of the scribes hid the Truth about God the Mother, God Promised to Reveal It Himself, because what earthly men are speaking about God and Christ are the lies that have been spread throughout the centuries. That is why Today we Understand what God Says in Isaiah 52:6: “Therefore, My People Will Know My Name, for This Reason, on That Day; for I Myself, Who Speak, Will Be Present.” It says “for this Reason,” meaning that since these evil men changed the Truth into a lie, God…
By Knowing that God Is Father and Mother, we can Honor Them in Truth (October 17, 2024)
Why do men get so mad when we tell them that God Is not just a Father, but also a Mother? They react as if that were something bad and get upset when they find out that there is a Spiritual Mother Together with God the Father and that She Has Always Been With Him Creating the World. Men only accept that God is a Male Being and a Father, but they refuse to accept that Next to Him There Is a Woman, His Wife. This is because of the lies that have been spread by evil and perverse men for so many years, who have taken power lacking the slightest empathy. That is why, the hateful deeds that these men show today when they find out that There Is a Spiritual Mother, are a sign of the damage caused by the deception of all the evil men of the past and of today, who think it is outrageous to say that Together with God Is His Wife, but they do accept that it be logical for a male son to be with Him. When you come to Know the Name of God the Father Through God the Mother, Christ Lisbet, God’s…
God the Father Proclaims the Reconciliation and Return of His Wife, God the Mother (October 16, 2024)
It says in Isaiah 62:3-5, “You Will Be a Beautiful Royal Crown in the Hand of the Lord Your God. No longer will You be called ‘forsaken,’ nor will Your Land be called ‘desolate.’ Your New Name will Be ‘the City of God’s Delight,’ and ‘God’s Wife,’ because the Lord Delights in You and Will Claim You as His Wife (Ref. Revelation 3:12). For God Will Marry You, as a Young Man Marries his Bride; God Will Rebuild You and Live Happily with You, as a Husband Lives Happily with His Wife.” This Proclamation that God the Father Makes also Shows us the Reconciliation that He Would Do with the men that Recognize His Christ by Honoring Her, as 2 Corinthians 5:19 says, that God the Father Was in Christ, God the Mother, Reconciling the world to Himself. This Reconciliation of God with men Through Christ, is because the wicked men of past generations have slandered and blasphemed against Christ, the Spiritual Mother, claiming that God the Father Has abandoned Her (Ref. John…
There is Power in God’s Name (October 15, 2024)
It says in Isaiah 52:6 and in Hebrews 8:10-11, that God Will Personally Reveal His Name to His People, and that He Will Place His Laws in their minds, and Write them upon their Hearts; and that is How He Will Be their God, and they will be His People. If God Himself Is Who Says He Will Do it, then we can Understand why He also Says that no one will teach their neighbor, nor their brother, saying, “Know the Lord,” for they will all Know God, from the Youngest to the Eldest (Ref. Hebrews 8:11). This verse alone is enough for the entire religious world to see that they must stop preaching about God and Christ, because they cannot even Comprehend the Magnitude of Who They Both Are, and Must Only Listen to God, MelquisedecLisbet, Who Have Fulfilled This Promise. Christ Is Here Revealing Her Name and the Name of God the Father; and She Has Gathered Her People, Her First-Fruits, Her Chosen and Faithful ones, and Is even Offering the outside world the Opportunity to also be Part of Gods’…
The origins of mistreatment against a Woman, Part 2 (October 14, 2024)
The disobedience of Moses encouraged the disorderly passions, divorce, and separation of families, since all that disorder originated from the hardness of his heart. If it was NOT God who established the divorce, nor the separation of man from the Woman, nor dishonoring Her, as Moses made us believe it was God, then what did God Establish? It was not the promiscuity and carnal debauchery of interchanging partners promoted by Moses, but rather the Eternal Union of the Man and the Woman Created (Ref. Genesis 1:27; Psalm 120:3; Proverbs 5:18; Ecclesiastes 9:9; 1 Corinthians 11:7). Christ Asks them, “Have you not read what was Spoken by God… (and not by Moses)?” Repudiating the Woman (Ref. Deuteronomy 24:2-4) does not concur with what God the Father and Mother Established, because She Is the Promised Land that God Gives as an Inheritance of Whom Milk and Honey Flow, so to pervert That Holy Land, is an abomination in the Eyes of Jehovah. What God Does Say is: My Child, Listen to the…
The Living Word (October 13, 2024)
Today, in This Era Only, and in the Life of Christ Lisbet is when we have been able to Verify and Confirm that everything written in the Bible about Christ refers to Her as the True Christ Sent by God the Father, unlike those who have emerged on their own account throughout history, and who have proven to be false. Before Christ Lisbet Was Resurrected with God the Father’s Wisdom, She Participated in a Dispensation of death, being made in the likeness of sin (Ref. Philippians 2:6-11; Romans 8:3), where She was deceived by the man of sin, the antichrist, whom we also followed because we thought he was God. Christ Lisbet was Spiritually Asleep and because She was not able to Remember Who She Is, the antichrist took advantage and sat in God’s Temple (Her Mind), pretending to be God. Although She knew no sin, She was made sin out of Love for us, so that in Her, we might become God’s Justice before all (Ref. 2 Corinthians 5:21), and that is Demonstrated Through the Faith of Christ…
Christ, The Holy Spirit, The Archangel Michael, and The Son of Man Are The Same Person, Part 2 (October 12, 2024)
When we hear all these terms, we must be clear that they are titles attributed to a Person, and they are not proper names nor are they talking about a few different people. Just as “Jesus” is not a proper name either, but a title that means “God Saves.” Knowing now that God Is Father and Mother, Two In One, and that They Are a Husband and a Wife, and not a Father and son, we can delve deeper into this Mystery, Showing that the Mission of God the Mother is described with These Titles that Correspond Only to Her because She Fulfills Them in Her Function. John 1:1, “In the Beginning Was the Word, and the Word Was with God, and the Word Was God.” In this verse, we find a fundamental Principle that talks about Two different People but Who Are the Same Essence, the Sovereign God; God the Father and the Verb or the Word, Gods’ Wife, God the Mother. Starting from this Principle, the Holy Spirit that Comes from God Would Take physical form, as it says in John 1:14, “and the Word…
Christ, The Holy Spirit, The Archangel Michael, and The Son of Man Are The Same Person (October 11, 2024)
Our goal is to demonstrate that Christ, the Holy Spirit, the Archangel Michael, and the Son of Man are titles or qualifiers that describe the characteristics of the same person. The word “Christ” is of Greek origin and means anointed one; it is the equivalent of the Hebrew Messiah. The title “Holy Spirit” is not a flying or ethereal essence, but a physical Person with God’s same Characteristics, Who Would Fulfill the Function of Consoler, Revealing the Truth of Who God the Father and Christ Are. The title “Archangel Michael,” Corresponds to that Person Who Would Rise in Favor of Gods’ Children in the End Times (Ref. Daniel 12:1), Cleansing and Purifying them so that they would Fight the Good Battle of the Faith of Christ in Armageddon (Ref. Revelation 16:16). And Armageddon, figuratively is the place in the mind where all the enemies of man who destroy and kill him, are found, and it is Christ Lisbet Who Reveals this to man and Shows him how to Defeat these enemies;…
The words in the Bible come to Life when Christ Lisbet Pronounces them (October 10, 2024)
It is sad to see how Donald Trump’s followers believe everything he tells them and support him with everything he says and does, no matter how degrading and disrespectful it is, just as we supported his predecessor, the previous antichrist who deceived us. But since we have already been through all that, we know what his end will be. He will flee like all cowards do and die like all mortals, and will leave all his followers in shame, without fulfilling any of the things he promised them, just as it happened to us with the man of sin in the previous dispensation. We can compare all this that we say to you with what is written, because many of the things written apply to us, but the outside world cannot understand them as we Understand them, and it is because they have not lived it as Christ Lisbet and us, Her First-Fruits, have lived it, and that is why it does not apply to them. It is so Important that Christ Herself Explains to them the meaning of all these events and Reveals what…
